About the FRW Organization
- A non-voting membership organization with a self perpetuating board.
- Recognized by resolution of the Tarrytown Board of Trustees as an organization for work on the RiverWalk.
- An affiliation with Westchester Parks Foundation (WPF) provides an accounting and auditing structure and confers on FRW the tax status of a 501 (c) (3).
- Seeks non-financial partnerships with environmental and botanical organizations.
- Tools donated by board members and Tarrytown's Goldberg Hardware with help from National ReSources, developer of Hudson Harbor.
- Seeks funding to support Friends of the RiverWalk Tarrytown workdays and advocacy and helping to establish other Friends of the RiverWalk groups.
- The workdays focus on cleaning and maintenance, targeting the following invasives: mugwort, crown vetch, hawthorne, purple loosestrife and Japanese knotweed.